Flow release: May 6, 2019
- Ability to import specific ticket projects vs. default auto-import all ticket projects
- User Merge tool: Quick Filters to assist with merging
- Snapshot Report: Ability to configure quadrant labels
Features/major changes
Ability to import specific ticket projects vs. default auto-import all ticket projects
Upon integrating with your ticketing platform Flow will no longer import all your ticket projects. You now have the ability to select what projects you want imported. Learn more about managing your ticket projects.
User Merge tool: Quick Filters to assist with merging
In order to help Users get through what can be a pretty intimidating list of suggestions, we’ve added quick filters to provide ways to easily filter the suggestions list and merge users more efficiently.
Snapshot: Ability to configure quadrant labels
Under your Report Preference settings you can now customize the Snapshot Report quadrant labels. The default labels, "Exploring", "Prolific", "Could be stuck" and "Perfectionism" can be changed.
User Cross linking menu updates
- Added “Exclude from reports”
- Added “Manage User”
- Added “View Tickets”
- Added “View PRs”
- Added “View Commits”
Repo group name added to repo picker
You can now see the group associated with each repo in the repo picker. This can be helpful if you have multiple repos with the same name or your organization uses forks as a means to track individual data.
Bulk action menu for Repo page
Added features to improve overall usability in the repo page.
- Support for Jira API Token authentication
- Improved status messaging for newly imported repos
- Project timeline: Updated date picker
- User Merge tool performance enhancement
Resolved issues
- Reassigning a repo now also reassigns PR projects
- Timezone incorrect for digest emails fixed
- Worklog: Timestamp display issue fixed
- Snapshot: User selecting and filtering issue fixed.
Miscellaneous update and fixes
- CookieBot implemented to properly disclose all cookies used by GitPrime
- Minor bug fixes