Explore all the recent updates to Pluralsight Skills.
Learner releases
The new Certification Prep Center is a starting point for your certifications journey. Now you can find popular certifications, see the top five certifications among your peers, and track your progress alongside other Pluralsight learners with the peer tracker.
Now you can take IT Ops and Security labs on the Skills platform, allowing you to test your skills in a secure, provisioned environment. This means you now have access to labs in the following domains: Cloud, Software Development, Data, IT Ops, and Security.
Live classes
Now you can enhance your learning journey with instructor-led training. These virtual, live classes offer hands-on experiences with an experienced instructor with real-world scenarios to help you learn faster.
Skill Assessments
Don’t have the time to take a skill assessment? Now you can remind yourself to schedule a Skill IQ assessment for later. Click the Remind me later button to schedule a skill assessment.
Now you don’t have to wait 30 days to retake an assessment. Retakes now unlock after 21 days, helping you skill up and measure your progress even faster.
Search and browse
The browse page has a new look. Find certification prep and other features to help you navigate Pluralsight Skills.