Learn more about troubleshooting and gathering information for Flow Enterprise Server.
Log gathering
The default log directory is /opt/flow/logs
but will instead reside in /<data_dir>/logs
if you use a custom data directory. To assist in troubleshooting, archive and export the contents of this log directory manually.
First, connect to your server via SSH and change the directory to your logs
directory. Then execute a command like the following to create a compressed archive of the log files. Finally, copy the log archive off the server with SCP or another preferred method.
#SSH to server
ssh -i "/path/to/sshkey.pem" username@your.server.com
#Move to log directory
cd /opt/flow/logs
#Bundle last day of logs, use sudo as needed:
sudo find . -mtime -1 -type f |xargs tar -cvzf logs.tar
#From your local workstation, SCP over the log tar:
scp -i "/path/to/sshkey.pem" username@your.server.com:/opt/flow/logs/logs.tar /where/to/put
Troubleshooting connectivity to Git servers
No network connectivity
Check for network connectivity before anything else. To test this, we can use curl.
$ curl -k -v https://git.yourserver.com
Untrusted SSL certificate
A common cause of connection problems is an untrusted SSL certificate. If you use an internal CA or intermediate CA, the CA certificate will not come with the system and must be installed. To test this we use openssl:
$ openssl s_client -connect git.yourserver.com:443
Authentication problem
Check if your credentials are correct and if the account you are using has the necessary access level. Test by logging in on the Git server and/or pull the repo locally:
$ git pull username:token@https://git.yourserver.com/path/to/repo.git
HTTPS blocked or disabled
If you see pull requests in Flow but don't see commits commits, then most likely HTTPS is blocked or not enabled on your Git server. Test this by pulling a repo via HTTPS and not SSH.
$ git pull username:token@https://git.yourserver.com/path/to/repo.git
Troubleshooting connectivity to SMTP server
If you have trouble connecting to your SMTP server, the issue is likely one of the following:
- No network connectivity
- Unsupported connection type
- Authentication problem
Troubleshooting commit preprocessing
The processing status on the Repo page hasn't updated recently
The processing status should update every two hours. If that is not happening, please contact support and we will help you make sure that the appropriate pods are spun up and cron jobs are in a healthy status.
I don't see any data/recent data in the reports. What's going on?
- Check the last processed timestamps on the Repos page to see when the deduplication task last ran. It should run every two hours. If your data is newer than the last time the commit deduplication task ran, expect the data to show up after the next time it runs.
- If the process has never run, or it's been a long time since the process last ran, contact support for further assistance. When submitting a request to the support team, it is helpful to provide the following information:
- deduplication process logs
- the results from the following query:
SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM rpt_staged_commit_checkpoint;
- deduplication process logs