Check your integration data statuses to see the overall health of your integrations and address issues as they arise. See this information in the Data status column of the Integrations page.
There are five possible data statuses on the Integrations page:
- Processing occurs during the initial ingestion of data from an integration into Flow. Once processing is complete, one of the below statuses is assigned.
- Healthy means the integration is connected. The repo, PR, and ticket data are being pulled into Flow as new data is detected.
- Failed integration means Flow is unable to connect to a git or ticket host. Flow may not be able to connect due to authentication failure, invalid SSL certificate, unreachable network, or DNS failure.
- Failed repo, PR project, and/or ticket project means there is an error with a specific repo, PR project, and/or ticket project, and not with the integration.
Rate limited means some repos, PR projects, or ticket projects within this integration may be rate limited. The account connected to the integration has reached the allotted number of API calls set by the git or ticket host. Rate limits are temporary. Flow will continue to process the projects once the host resets the number of API calls.
Note: Larger projects are more likely to experience rate limits.
To avoid unnecessary rate limits, use a dedicated service account to connect to Flow to avoid conflicts with API calls to the account from other systems.
Important: You cannot reset your rate limits inside Flow. Your git or ticketing host periodically resets the number of API calls. The timeframe to reset the number depends on the host, but rate limits are temporary.