A pull request comment is a comment made by a user related to a specific pull request.
Supported requests
Get a list of pull request comments: https://flow.pluralsight.com/v3/customer/core/pull_request_comments/
Name | Type | Description |
id | double | Unique identifier for a pull request comment. |
user_alias_id | double | Unique identifier assigned to an user alias. |
user_alias_id__in | double | Multiple user_alias_ids in comma separated list. |
apex_user_id | double | Unique identifier for the main user record for multiple user aliases that is associated with a PR comment. |
apex_user_id__in | double | Multiple user_alias_ids in comma separated list. |
pull_request_id | double | Unique identifier for the pull request. |
body | string | Pull request comment body. |
word_count | string | Total number of words in comment. |
comment_robustness | string | How robust the comment is, indicated by robuts, regular, trivial. |
is_extension_comment | boolean | Returns true if the comment is a follow-on comment (a second consecutive comment made by the same author). |
parent_id | double | Unique identifier of parent pull request comment. |
reaction_time | double | In seconds, the time it takes to respond to the comment. |
created_at | double | Date and time comment was created. |
updated_at | double | Date and time comment was updated. |
is_reply | boolean | Returns true if the comment was made in reply to another comment. |
was_influential | boolean | Returns true if the comment resulted in the submitter adding a follow_on_commit. |
comment_type | string | Type of comment. |