A repository is a representation of a source control repository that has been discovered by Flow using a set of user credentials. Once a repository is discovered, it is then tied to a pull request project.
Supported request
Get a list of repositories: https://flow.pluralsight.com/v3/customer/core/repos/
Name | Type | Description |
id | double | Unique identifier for a repository. |
name | string | Name of a repository. |
url | string | Repository URL. |
added_by | string | Unique identifier of user who added the repository. |
updated_at | string | Date and time a repo was updated. |
vendor_type | string | Vendor type where the repository is installed. |
audit_created_at | string | Date and time the repository audit was created. |
added_by_id | double | Unique identifier of user who added the repository. |
is_private | boolean | True indicates the repository is private. |
blocked | boolean | True indicates the repository is blocked. |
youngest_commit_date | string | Date and time of newest commit. |
oldest_commit_date | string | Date and time of oldest commit. |
last_fully_updated_at | string | Date and time repo was last updated. |
last_fetch_failure_reason | string | Last fetch failure reason. |
public_key | string | Public key for repository. |
ignore_list | string | Excluded files, folders and directories. |
staff_access_expires_at | string | Date and time staff access expires. |
tags | string | An array of tags. |
skip_hexshas | string | An array of hexshas to skip. |
created_at | string | Date and time a repo was created. |
integration_id | double | Unique identifier for an integration. |
meta | string | Unused field. |
commit_url | string | URL of the commit. |
progress_status | string | Repo updating progress status. |
description | string | Repo description. |
fetches_failing_since | string | Date and time repo stopped processing. |
last_processing_success_at | string | Date and time of last successful processing. |
last_failure_or_success_at | string | Date and time of last processing attempt. |
web_url | string | Repo web URL. |
clean_url | string | Clean repo URL. |
sortable_state | string | Sortable repo state for filters. 0=blocked, 1=fetch_failues, 2=good |
owner_name | string | Group/org owner of repo. |
owner_vendor_id | double | Vendor ID. |