Pluralsight Skills offers analytics web reports and CSV report downloads to help you track your teams' progress. These analytics reports offer a wealth of information and insights into your team.
In this article you'll find a breakdown of analytics reports to help you get started using analytics for your team.
Who can use this?
Current plans | ||
Individual | Team | |
Learners: | ||
Managers: | ✓ | |
Admins: | ✓ |
Legacy plans | |||||
Stnd | Prem | Strt | Pro | Ent | |
Learners: | |||||
Managers: | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Admins: | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Learn more about Skills current plans, legacy plans, and roles. |
Users included in analytics reports
Sometimes organizations remove learners from plans, but still want access to their analytics data. See Analytics data for added and removed learners to learn which data is visible to you in these situations.
Removing users is different from deleting users. See Deleting data for users on a Skills team plan to learn about deleted users.
Here are the differences between removed users and deleted users:
- Removed user: A user who is no longer on the plan, but whose history still exists. Only plan admins can view removed users.
- Deleted user: A user whose account and history are erased permanently, most commonly due to a GDPR request. Once a user is deleted, their data can no longer be viewed by anyone on the plan.
To view removed users in your reports, set the filters as follows:
Teams filter | |
Certifications, Content, Skills inventory, Tech Foundations, Users & usage | Empty, or no team selected |
Channels, Roles | “All users” |
License filter (see next section for details) | |
Content, Skills inventory, Tech Foundations, Users & usage | Include “Removed users” |
Certifications, Channels, Roles | [Not applicable] |
Licenses filter
Important: In order to ensure the best experience for our customers, Pluralsight uses a phased rollout of new features in the Skills platform. If the features described in this section aren't yet available on your plan, great things may be coming your way.
Questions about what this means for your plan? Reach out to your Pluralsight contact.
The Licenses filter offers flexibility in which users you include in your reports. To best understand how this filter works, think of your users in three categories:
- Licensed users: users on your plan with one or more Skills licenses
- Unlicensed users: users on your plan without a license but who have a free account
- Removed users: users who have been removed from your plan
Use cases for unlicensed users may include:
- Leaders who do not need a Skills license for their own use, but are included in the plan in order to perform admin and team management duties
- Former learners whose role or need for a Skills license has changed, but are still employed by your organization and still have their PS account tied to your plan
With the Licensed users checkbox (and its children, if applicable) checked, the data is filtered to exclude unlicensed users, and may therefore show fewer users than with the checkbox unchecked.
Real-time analytics data
Most analytics data is updated in real time, as shown below. You can refresh your browser to get the most up-to-date analytics data.
Analytics experience | Web report and CSV download |
Certifications, Channels, Content, Skills inventory, Tech Foundations, Users & Usage | Real-time |
Roles | Up to 15-minute delay |
Note: See Analytics data for added and removed learners to learn how users moving in and out of your plan and from team to team can affect your analytics data.
Note: It’s possible for the view time, dates, and completion analytics to differ slightly from what your learners see in their profile and history. Please see Course progress vs. view time to learn more.
Most commonly used analytics fields
These are the most frequently used fields within the analytics reports:
Completion and Average completion allow you to see the completion rate of a channel, subject, or course. This can be useful when specific content is required for compliance. Depending on the report, you can view this at the user, team, or organization level. Completion captures all content including video courses, interactive courses, and projects.
View time
View time allows you to see how much time your users are spending viewing content on the Skills platform. View time only captures video courses. See Course progress vs. view time to learn more.
Many organizations use the Note field to record the employee ID of each learner. This is especially useful for organizations large enough to have more than one user with the same name.
To include the Note field in your reports, go to the Directory tab of the People page (opens in new tab). Click this field to add a note or edit an existing note.
Glossary of analytics terms
Note: We’ve improved how we report view time for multimodal courses, which combine various learning activities like videos, labs, and assessments in one environment. All past and future video views from multimodal courses are now included in view time metrics within leader analytics, offering a more complete picture of video view time and matching metrics your learners see on their profile page.
What does this mean for you? Some metrics, which previously only represented stand-alone video courses, now reflect data from both stand-alone video courses and multimodal courses.
Updated data fields include:
- % Engaged users
- Active days
- Average view time
- Average view time/user
- Content interactions
- Content name
- Content type
- Content viewed
- Courses
- Engaged users
- Engaged users assessed
- Engaged users reassessed
- Engaged users unassessed
- Interactions
- Last activity
- Overall usage
- Popular content among users
- Popular subjects
- Subjects
- Total view time
- Unique courses viewed
- Usage time
- Users active
- Video course view time
- View time by day
- View time/week
Above average
Account name
- Content, Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced, Users & Usage: Name of the Pluralsight Skills plan. This will match the name provided in the top navigation buttons beside “Account”.
Acquired date
- Certifications: Date the learner acquired the certification.
Active days
- Users & Usage: Number of days the user has interacted with any content type on the Skills platform.
Active users; Started roles; Total active users
Roles-basic: Number of users who have started the respective role (i.e., completed at least one skill assessment within the role).
- All-roles overview: “Active users”.
- Role overview: “Total active users”.
- Role IQ overview CSV: “Started roles”.
Activity time
Users & Usage.
- Labs card: Time spent completing a lab.
All certifications
- Certifications: Total number of certifications uploaded by learners on the plan.
Assessed users
Assessment name
See Skill IQ.
Assessments taken; Total assessments taken
Roles-basic: “Total assessments taken”. Number of skill assessments taken within respective role by users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Skills inventory-advanced: “Assessments taken”. Number of skill assessments taken on respective skill by users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Tech Foundations: "Assessments taken". Number of assessments attempted. For psychological safety we show ">1" if the user took multiple attempts to pass.
- Roles-advanced: Whether or not the respective user has been assigned the role. Values include “yes” and “no”.
Assigned date
Users & Usage
- Roles card: Date the role was assigned to the learner.
Assigned roles started
- Roles-basic: Number of roles started (i.e., at least one skill assessment completed within the role) by users who have been assigned the respective role.
Assigned users
- Roles-basic: Number of users who have been assigned the respective role.
Average completion; Avg. completion; Avg completion time
Channels-basic, Channels-advanced: Average channel completion by members of channel.
- Channels-basic (web report): "Avg. completion".
- Channels-basic (CSV): "Average completion".
- Channels-advanced: "Avg. completion".
- Content: "Average completion". Average content completion by users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Roles-basic: "Avg completion time". Average time that learners on your plan (or team, if filtered) take to complete a role.
Average level
See Skill level.
Average proficiency; Avg proficiency
See also Average proficiency level.
Roles-basic: Average proficiency score of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) who have taken an assessment on respective skill. Five unique user scores are required to present average skill score data.
- On the CSV, this is a numerical value on a scale of 0–300.
- On the web report, the “Average proficiency” and “Average proficiency level” are combined and labeled “Avg proficiency”.
Average proficiency level
See also Average proficiency.
Roles-basic: Average proficiency level of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) who have taken an assessment on respective skill. Five unique user scores are required to present average skill score data.
- On the CSV, the values include “novice”, “proficient”, and “expert”.
- On the web report, the “Average proficiency” and “Average proficiency level” are combined and labeled “Average proficiency”.
Average video watched
- Tech Foundations: Average percent completion of video course watched for all users.
Average view time per user; Average view time/user
- Content: “Average view time/user”. View time divided by total users.
- Tech Foundations: "Average view time per user". Total view time divided by users viewed.
- Users & Usage: “Average view time/user”. View time divided by unique users.
Avg skill growth
- Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Number of skill ups divided by number of reassessments from plan start date to the specified end date.
Certification name
- Certifications: Name of the certification.
Challenges and videos; Tasks and videos
Users & Usage
- Interactive card: "Challenges and videos". Number of activites available and completed.
- Projects card: "Tasks and videos". Number of activites available and completed.
Channels; Name
Channels-basic: Name of channel.
- Web: “Channels”.
- CSV: “Name”.
Channel completion %; Completion %
Channels-advanced: Completion of channel by respective member of channel.
- Web: “Completion %”.
- CSV: “Channel completion %”.
Channel content
See Content title.
Completed roles
See Role IQs achieved.
Completion; Completion %; Completion percentage; Content completion %
For all reports, completion captures interactive courses, labs, projects, and video courses.
Channels-advanced: Completion percentage of respective content by respective member of channel. Completion captures interactive courses, labs, projects, video courses, and non-video assets. For non-video assets (e.g., document, PDF, slide deck, website, etc.), the value will either be 0 (link not visited) or 100 (link visited).
- Member drawer: “Completion %”.
- CSV: “Content completion %”.
Content: Completion percentage of respective content. Completion captures interactive courses, labs, projects, video courses, and non-video assets. For non-video assets (e.g., document, PDF, slide deck, website, etc.), the value will either be 0 (link not visited) or 100 (link visited).
- Web: “Completion”. Completion rate of those on the plan (or team, if filtered) who have begun the course.
- Web, content page: “Completion %”. Completion rate of the respective course by the respective user.
- Courses summary CSV: “Completion percentage”. Completion rate of the respective course by the respective user.
Users & Usage: Completion of respective content by respective user (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard).
- Interactive card: Activities completed divided by activities included in interactive course.
- Projects card: Activities completed divided by activities included in project.
- Roles card: Number of Skill IQs taken over number of Skill IQs included in the role.
- Tech Foundations card: Percentage of module completed.
- Video courses card: Percentage of video course completed.
Content completion %
See Completion.
Content duration; Content duration (hours); Duration; Duration (hours)
Content duration includes video courses, interactive courses, and projects.
Channels-basic: Duration of video courses in channel.
- Web: “Duration”, listed as hours and minutes.
- CSV: “Duration (hours)”, listed as hours in decimal format.
Channels-advanced: Duration of respective piece of content. For non-video assets (e.g., document, PDF, slide deck, website, etc.), a default value of one minute is listed.
- Web report (Overview and Member drawer): “Duration”, listed as hours and minutes.
- CSV: “Content duration (hours)”, listed as hours in decimal format.
Content: Duration of respective piece of content.
- Web: “Duration”, listed as hours and minutes.
- CSV: “Content duration”, listed as hours in decimal format.
Users & Usage: “Duration” (shown by clicking View details on content type card of User detail dashboard).
- Video courses card: Duration of respective video course.
Content duration (seconds); Duration (seconds)
- Channels-basic: “Duration (seconds)”. Duration of video courses in channel, listed in seconds. Note: this field is being deprecated; use Duration (hours) instead.
- Channels-advanced: “Content duration (seconds)”. Duration of respective piece of content, listed in seconds. Note: this field is being deprecated; use Content duration (hours) instead.
Content ID
- Content: Unique identifier for course, used in URL.
Content interactions; Interactions; Total content interactions
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Aggregate of individual video course clip views, project tasks, interactive course challenges, and skill assessment completions.
- Skills inventory-basic, web: “Content interactions”.
- Skills inventory-basic, summary CSV: "Total content interactions”.
- Skills inventory-advanced, user table: “Content interactions”.
- Skills inventory-advanced, user drawer: “Interactions”.
Content last viewed
See Last Viewed.
Content title; Content name; Channel content
Channels-advanced: Title of respective piece of content, or the content’s path, if applicable. See also Course title.
- Member drawer: “Channel content”.
- CSV: “Content title”.
Content: Title of respective piece of content.
- Web report: “Content title”.
- CSV: “Content name”.
- Skills inventory-advanced: “Content title”. Title of respective piece of content.
- Tech Foundations: "Content title".
Content type; Type
Channels-advanced, Content, Skills inventory-advanced: Content type for respective piece of content. Values include “course”, “external link", “interactive course”, “path”, and “project”.
- Channels-advanced Member drawer: “Type”.
- Channels-advanced CSV: “Content type”.
- Content: “Content type”.
- Skills inventory-advanced: “Content type”.
- Tech Foundations: "Content type". Content type for respective piece of content. Values include “assessment” and “video”.
Content viewed
- Content: Number of pieces of content viewed during the specified time frame. Content types included here include video courses, labs, interactive courses, and projects.
Users & Usage (shown by clicking View details on content type card of User detail dashboard).
- Video courses card: Name of respective course.
Course title
- Channels-advanced: Title of respective course. See also Content title.
See Unique courses.
Created by
- Roles-basic: Name of role creator. This may be the name of a person, or the name of the organization for company-created roles.
Current skill level
See Skill level.
Date; Month; Year
- Users & Usage: Date or date range of usage. The CSV report contains one record per date (within the filtered date range) per team. This is also broken down into the “Month” (January = 1, February = 2, etc.) and “Year” columns.
Date added
- Channels-advanced: Date the member was added to respective channel.
Duration; Duration (hours); Duration (seconds)
See Content duration (Content, Users & Usage) or Content duration (hours) (Channels-advanced, Channels-basic).
Certifications, Channels-basic, Channels-advanced, Content, Roles-advanced, Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced, Tech Foundations, Users & Usage: Primary email listed for the user's account.
- Certifications: User (learner).
- Channels-basic: Channel owner.
- Channels-advanced: Channel member.
- Content: User (learner).
- Roles-advanced: User (learner).
- Skills inventory-basic: User (learner).
- Skills inventory-advanced: User (learner).
- Tech foundations: User (learner).
- Users & Usage: User (learner).
Engaged users; Total engaged users
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Number of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) who engaged with content and assessments related to respective subject during the specified time frame.
- Web: “Engaged users”.
- Summary CSV: “Total engaged users”.
Engaged users percentage
- Skills inventory-basic: Engaged users divided by number of users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
Engaged users assessed; Assessed users
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Number of engaged users who have completed a skill assessment (at any time) related to content they have engaged with (during the specified time frame).
- Web overview: “Assessed users”.
- Skill assessments table: “Engaged users assessed”.
- Summary CSV: “Engaged users assessed”.
Engaged users unassessed; Engaged users not assessed
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Number of engaged users who have not completed a skill assessment.
- Skill assessment table: “Engaged users unassessed”.
- Inventory table, Summary CSV: “Engaged users not assessed”.
Engaged users not assessed percentage
- Skills inventory-basic: Engaged users not assessed divided by engaged users.
Engaged users reassessed; Reassessed users
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Number of engaged users who have completed a skill assessment at least twice. This includes assessment retakes, but not do-overs.
- Web overview: "Reassessed users".
- Skill assessments table: "Engaged users reassessed".
Expiration date
- Certifications: Date the certification expires for the learner.
Expired certifications
- Certifications: Total number of certifications that have passed the expiration date.
First name
See Members (Channels-advanced), Name (Content, Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced, Users & Usage), or Owner (Channels-basic).
Initial skill level
- Skills inventory-basic: Skill level for first attempt by respective user for respective assessment. This is blank if the user has taken the assessment only once.
See Content interactions.
Is on account
- Skills inventory-advanced, Users & Usage: True indicates the team member is on the account and active. False indicates the member is not currently on the account.
Last activity
- Channels-basic: Date of last view activity—by channel members—of content within the respective channel, including video clips, interactive courses, and projects.
- Channels-advanced: Date of last view activity—by respective channel member—of content within the respective channel, including video clips, interactive courses, and projects.
- Roles-basic: Date of last view activity—by active role members—of content within the respective role, including video clips, interactive courses, and projects.
- Role IQs CSV: Date the respective user last took a skill assessment with the respective role. See also Last measured for the corresponding field in the web report.
- User skill level CSV: Date the respective user last took the respective skill assessment. See also Last measured for the corresponding field in the web report.
- Skills inventory-advanced: Date of last interaction with respective content, including video clips, interactive courses, and projects.
Tech Foundations
- Web report: Date of last interaction on the topic’s video course or assessment (depending on view).
- CSV report: Date of last interaction on the topic’s assessment.
Users & Usage: Includes interaction with video courses, multimodal courses, interactive courses, labs, projects, and Tech Foundations courses.
- Web report: Date of the user's most recent interaction with one of the content types listed above.
- Web report user detail (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard): Date of the user's most recent interaction with the respective content type.
- CSV report: Date of the user's most recent interaction with one of the content types listed above.
Last added
- Certifications: Date of the last uploaded certification.
Last assessment date; Last assessed
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Date and time when the respective user last took the respective skill assessment.
- Skills inventory-basic: Last assessment date.
- Skills inventory-advanced: Last assessed.
Last measured
See also Last activity for the corresponding field in the “User Role IQs” and “User skill levels” CSVs.
Roles-advanced: This field appears twice in the web report:
- Inline with user’s name: Length of time since the respective user last took a skill assessment with the respective role.
- Inline with a respective skill when a user is expanded: Length of time since the respective user last took the respective skill assessment.
Last name
See Members (Channels-advanced), Name (Content, Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced, Users & Usage), or Owner (Channels-basic).
Last taken
Users & Usage (shown by clicking View details on content type card of User detail dashboard).
- Skill IQ card: Date when the respective user last took the respective skill assessment.
Last view date; View date; Month; Year
Content: Date when the content was last viewed. This is also broken down into the “Month” (January = 1, February = 2, etc.) and “Year” columns. See also View date for the corresponding field in the CSV.
- Web: “View date”.
- Courses summary CSV: “Last view date”.
- Courses detail CSV: “View date”.
Last viewed; Content last viewed
Channels-advanced: Date when respective content was last viewed.
- Member drawer: “Last viewed”.
- CSV: “Content last viewed”.
- Content: “Last viewed”. Length of time since the content was last viewed. See also Last view date for the corresponding field in the web reports.
- Users & Usage: “Last viewed”. Length of time since the content was last viewed by the respective user.
See Skill level.
Link type
- Channels-advanced: File type for external link, if applicable. Values include “article”, “channel”, “external link”, “slide deck”, and “video”.
Link URL
- Channels-advanced: URL for external link, if applicable.
Members; Member count; First name; Last name
Channels-basic: Number of members within channel.
- Web: “Members”.
- CSV: “Member count”.
- Channels-advanced (overview): "Members”. Number of members within specified channel.
Channels-advanced (member listing): List of members within specified channel.
- Web: “Members”. Clicking on a name will open the respective user’s subreport in Users & Usage analytics.
- CSV: broken down to “First name” and “Last name”.
Minimum proficiency
- Roles-basic: Minimum proficiency required for respective skill in order to achieve Role IQ.
Name; First name; Last name; Full name
See also Channels (Channels-basic) or Roles (Roles-basic).
- Certifications: Name of learner.
Content: Name of user.
- Web, content page: “Name”. Clicking on a name will open the respective user’s subreport in Users & Usage analytics.
- CSV: broken down to “First name” and “Last name”.
Roles-advanced: Name of user.
- Web: “Name”.
- CSV: “Full name”.
Skills inventory-advanced, Skills inventory-basic: Name of learner.
- Skills inventory-advanced: “Name”.
- Skills inventory-advanced, users CSV: broken down to “First name” and “Last name”
- Skills inventory-basic, detail CSV: broken down to “First name” and “Last name”.
Tech Foundations: Name of user.
- Web: “Name”. Clicking on a name will open the respective user’s subreport in Users & Usage analytics.
- CSV: broken down to “First name” and “Last name”.
Users & Usage
- Web: “Name”. Name of user. Clicking on a name will open the respective user’s subreport in Users & Usage analytics.
- Web report user detail (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard): Name of the respective piece of content.
- CSV: Name of user, broken down to “First name” and “Last name”.
No video watch pass rate
- Tech Foundations: Unique users who passed the assessment without watching the video course divided by total users passed.
- Content, Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced, Tech Foundations, Users & Usage: Space for you to include extra information about the user, such as an ID number. This can be used to help you identify users and integrate them into other systems.
- Channels-basic: Objective assigned to channel.
Overall assessments passed
- Tech Foundations: Total assessments passed divided by total assessments assigned.
Owner; First name; Last name
Channels-basic: Name of channel owner.
- Web: “Owner”.
- CSV: broken down to “First name” and “Last name”.
- Channels-advanced: Channel permission level for respective member. Values include “owner”, “can edit”, and “can view”.
Plan ID
- Skills inventory-basic: Plan ID of the Pluralsight Skills plan.
Plan total licenses
See Total licenses.
Plan total members
- Users & Usage: Total number of users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
See Skill level.
- Certifications: The provider defined when uploading the certification.
Reassessed users
Recently added (last 30 Days)
- Certifications: Total number of certifications that have be uploaded in the past 30 days.
Tech Foundations: Assessment result. Values include:
- Passed: the user passed the assessment.
- Not passed: the user abandoned the assessment or did not answer enough questions correctly to gain a pass rate.
- Not started: the user has been assigned the assessment but has not yet attempted it.
Users & Usage (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard).
- Labs card: Number of completed challenges and tasks from a lab.
- Tech Foundations card: Assessment result.
Role IQ
- Roles-advanced: Role IQ level for the respective user. Values include “beginner”, “level 1”, “level 2”, and “level 3”. If the user has not completed the Role IQ, this will show “X out of X skills measured” for web reports, or “N/A” for User Role IQs CSV. See also Role Progress.
Role IQ engagement
- Roles-basic: Number of unique learners who have self-selected a Role IQ level, been assigned a role, or received a Role IQ in at least one role—out of the total number of learners on your plan (or team, if filtered).
Role IQs achieved; Completed roles
Roles-basic: Number of users who have completed the respective Role IQ (i.e., completed each skill assessment within the role) and received a Role IQ level.
- Web (All-roles overview, Roles table, Role overview): “Role IQs achieved”.
- Role IQ overview CSV: “Completed roles”.
Role progress
- Roles-advanced: Number of skill assessments completed by the respective user, divided by number of skill assessments required for the respective role. For example, “2 / 5 skills”.
Roles; Name
Roles-basic: Name of role.
- Roles table: “Roles”. Clicking on a role will open the respective role skill levels report.
- Role IQ overview CSV: “Name”.
- Roles-advanced: Skills for the respective role for which the respective user has taken a skill assessment.
Users & Usage (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard).
- Skill IQs card: Name of the respective skill.
Skill IQ; Assessment name
Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Name of Skill IQ assessment.
- Skills inventory-basic: "Skill IQ" (Detail CSV report).
- Skills inventory-advanced: "Assessment name" (Skill assessment table).
Skill level; Avg skill level; Average level; Current Skill Level; Level; Proficiency
Values include “novice”, “proficient”, and “expert”. If the user does a do-over, the higher score will be used. However, if the user retakes an assessment at a later date, the most recent score will be used. See How can I re-measure my Skill IQ for more information.
Roles-advanced: Proficiency level for the respective user for the respective skill.
- Web: “Skill level”.
- User skill levels CSV: “Proficiency”.
Skills inventory-basic
- Detail CSV: “Current skill level”. Skill level for respective user for respective assessment.
Skills inventory-advanced
- User table: “Avg skill level”. Average skill level for respective user of all assessments related to respective skill.
- User drawer: “Skill level”. Skill level for respective user for respective assessment.
Users & Usage: Proficiency level for the respective user for the respective skill (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard).
- Roles card: "Level".
- Skill IQ card: "Skill level".
Skill level composition; Above average; Average; Emerging; Expert; Novice
Skills inventory-basic: Distribution of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) within five skill level quintiles related to respective subject. On the web report, the five levels are displayed as a bar chart. On the summary CSV, each skill level is listed in its own column, as follows:
- Novice: 0–19.9th percentile.
- Emerging: 20–39.9th percentile.
- Average: 40–59.9th percentile.
- Above average: 60–79.9th percentile.
- Expert: 80–100th percentile.
Skills; Skill name
Roles-basic: Name of skill.
- Skills table: “Skills”.
- Role skill levels CSV: “Skill name”.
Skill ups
- Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced: Number of times a user reassessed and achieved a higher skill level. This includes assessment retakes, but not do-overs.
Start date
- Content, Skills inventory-advanced, Users & Usage: Date user began on the plan.
Started roles
See Active users.
Subject; Subjects
- Content: “Subjects”. Subjects pertaining to respective video course.
- Skills inventory-basic: “Subject”. Content being consumed by learners on the plan, aggregated by similar technology areas.
Team; Team name
Certifications, Channels-advanced, Content, Skills inventory-basic, Skills inventory-advanced, Tech Foundations, Users & Usage: Name of the team to which the user is assigned. This is blank for users not assigned to a team.
- Certifications: “Team”.
- Channels-advanced: “Team”.
- Content (content page): “Team”.
- Content CSV: “Team name”.
- Skills inventory-basic detail CSV: “Team”.
- Skills inventory-advanced users CSV: “Team name”.
- Tech Foundations: "Team".
- Users & Usage web report: “Team”.
- Usage CSV: “Team name”. The report contains one record per date (within the filtered date range) per team.
- Users CSV: “Team name”.
- Tech Foundations: Tech Foundations topic, consisting of a video couse and an assessment.
Total active users
See Total users.
Total assessments assigned
- Tech Foundations: Total number of assessments assigned for all topics and all learners.
Total assessments pass rate
- Tech Foundations: Total users passed divided by total users assessed.
Total assessments passed
- Tech Foundations: Total number of assessments passed for all topics and all learners.
Total assessments taken
See Assessments taken.
Total certifications
- Certifications: Total number of certifications the learner has uploaded.
Total content interactions
See Content interactions.
Total hours
See also View time for the corresponding field in the web reports.
For all reports, Total hours only captures video courses.
- Content: Total hours viewed of the respective content by the respective user, displayed in decimal format. Content analytics has both a detail and a summary CSV. The detail CSV aggregates view time on content with a row per day, and the summary CSV aggregates view time by content with a row per content.
- Skills inventory-advanced: Total view time of unique courses pertaining to respective subject, displayed in hours and minutes.
Users & Usage:
- Usage CSV: Total hours of video courses viewed by members of the respective team within the specified date range, displayed in decimal format.
- Users CSV: Total hours of video courses viewed by the respective user within the specified date range, displayed in decimal format.
Total members; All users
Users & Usage:
- Web: "All users". Number of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) on respective date or within date range.
- Users CSV: "Total members". Number of users on the respective team on the respective date. The report contains one record per date (within the filtered date range) per team.
Total taken
Users & Usage (shown by clicking View details on content type cards of User detail dashboard).
- Skill IQs card: Number of times the respective user has taken the respective skill assessment.
Total unique roles
- Roles-basic: Total number of roles at least one learner has engaged with on your plan. This includes self-selecting a level or having a role assigned to them.
Total users
- Certifications: Total number of users who have uploaded the certification.
- Content: Number of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) who have viewed the respective content.
Total view time; View time
See View time.
See Content type.
Unassessed users
Unique courses; Unique courses viewed; Courses
- Skills inventory-advanced: “Unique courses”. Number of courses viewed by respective user on the respective date.
Users & Usage: Number of video and multimodal courses viewed within the specified date range. This only includes courses that are clicked in to play. Courses taken by an individual prior to joining the team will not be included—only courses taken during their time on the team will show here. When a user leaves the team, the user's data will not be available.
- Overview: “Unique courses viewed”. Number of courses viewed by all users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Usage CSV: “Unique courses”. Number of courses viewed by the respective user.
- Users CSV: “Unique courses”. Number of courses viewed by the respective user.
Unique users
- Content: Number of users on the plan (or team, if filtered) viewing content during the specified time frame.
- Skills inventory-basic: Unique identifier for the user (learner).
Usage time
See View time.
User engagement
- Tech Foundations: Users active divided by Users assigned.
User type
- Certifications, Content, Skills Inventory, Tech Foundations, Users & Usage: User’s current license status. Values include “licensed”, “free”, and “removed”.
Users active
- Tech Foundations: Total number of learners who have interacted with either the video course or the assessment of a topic.
Users assessed
- Roles-basic: Number of users assessed for respective role.
- Tech Foundations: Total number of users who have attempted an assessment.
Users assigned
- Tech Foundations: Total number of learners who have a license and are assigned to the program.
Users passed
- Tech Foundations: Total number of users who have taken and passed the respective assessment.
Users passed all assessments
- Tech Foundations: Total number of users who have taken and passed all assessments.
Users viewed
- Tech Foundations: Number of users who have watched any portion of the content.
Valid certifications
- Certifications: Total number of certifications that have not passed the expiration date.
Video course view time
- Content: Total view time of video courses during the specified time frame, displayed in hours and minutes.
Video watched
- Tech Foundations: Percentage of the topic's video course the user has watched.
Video watched pass rate
- Tech Foundations: Unique users who passed the assessment after watching the video course divided by total users passed.
View date; Month; Year
- Content: See Last view date.
- Skills inventory-advanced, Users & Usage: “View date”. Date on which content was viewed. The report contains one record per date in which the user viewed content. This field is also broken down into “Month” and “Year”.
View time; Total view time; Usage time
For all reports, view time only captures video and multimodal courses. It does not capture interactive courses, labs, projects, or sandboxes.
Content: Total view time of video clips from the respective course over the specified time frame, displayed in hours and minutes. See also Total hours for the corresponding field in the CSV.
- Web: “View time”. Total view time by all users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Web, content page overview: “Total view time”. Total view time by all users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Web, content page: “View time”. Total view time by the respective user.
Tech Foundations:
- Detail report, overview: "Total view time". Total time spent watching video courses for all users.
- User table: "View time". Total time spent watching the video course.
Users & Usage: Total view time of video clips over the specified time frame, displayed in hours and minutes.
- Web overview: “Total view time”. Total view time by all users on the plan (or team, if filtered).
- Web users table: “Usage time”. Total view time by the respective user. See also Total hours for the corresponding field in the CSV.
- User subreport: “View time”. Total view time of the respective course.
View time/week
- Users & Usage: The average view time of video and multimodal courses of the selected user, calculated by dividing the total view time by the number of weeks in the selected date range.