Flow ingests data from all users who have contributed to your repos. This includes all contributors from any open source repos or libraries you may have used, including those who have never been part of your organization. These outside users can clutter your user list and make managing your organization's actual users challenging.
Hide these users to remove them from your metrics so you can focus on your team. Hiding users doesn’t delete them.
Note: Users imported from an open source repo don’t have access to your Flow instance or data unless they’re part of your organization.
Learn more about Managing users: Hiding versus excluding users.
What happens when I hide users?
Hiding users hides users from your user list and excludes them from metrics.
Hiding users:
- Removes them from the main user list and moves them to the hidden users page.
- Removes them from teams.
- Removes them from reports.
- Excludes their metrics from reports.
- Includes them in auto-merging. Hidden users may have a matching ingested alias. When using auto-merge, that alias is merged into the hidden user and stays hidden. You do not need to re-hide the user if they are re-ingested from another repo.
- Doesn't delete the user.
When a user is hidden:
- You can't view their PRs, PR comments, or PR activity.
- You can't view their commits or commit activity.
- Any PR or commit activity for the user does not count toward PR metric calculations for other users.
Note: Hiding a user with access to Flow disables that user's Flow login. If one of the selected users has a login, Flow displays a warning in the confirmation modal.
Re-enable a user’s login from the Hidden users page or their detail page by unhiding the user. If a hidden user’s login provides access to Skills, they will still have Skills access.
What do I need to do before hiding users?
Before hiding users, make sure all users are on a team and complete your team members’ merge suggestions. This helps you filter and hide the users that aren’t part of your organization.
Learn more about merging users.
How do I hide users who aren't part of my organization?
The best way to hide users who aren't part of your organization is to use filters to find those specific users and then hide them.
Filtering users
Use this filter to isolate users who aren't part of your organization. Some of these users may have more than one email address.
To access the Users filter:
- Click Settings in Flow's top navigation bar.
- In the left navigation under User management, click Users.
- Click Show filters.
To find all users not part of the organization, filter to see users who are not on a team and do not have a login. Also, filter by email addresses and alias email addresses.
Note: An undisclosed user is a user whose email address is not provided when you integrate a githost with Flow. This happens when a user’s account or email address is private.
To filter for users who aren't on a team and don't have a login:
- Navigate to the Users filter.
- Select Users on teams, is, and false from the dropdown menus. This filters out users on teams.
- Click Add filter and select and from the dropdown menu. This creates an additional filter for this search.
- Select Has login, is, and false from the dropdown menus in the new filter. This filters out users with logins.
- Click Add filter and select and from the dropdown menu.
- Select Email does not contain from the dropdown menu and enter your company’s email domain in the textbox in the new filter. This filters out users with your company’s email domain.
- Click Add filter and select and from the dropdown menu.
- Select Alias email and does not contain from the dropdown menu and enter your company’s email domain in the textbox in the new filter. This filters out users who have an alias with your company’s email domain.
- Click Add filter and select and from the dropdown menu.
- Select Email and contains case insensitive from the dropdown menu and enter undisclosed in the textbox in the new filter. This filters out disclosed users.
- Click Apply filters.
Note: Users who are already hidden won't appear in these filters.
Hiding users
Once you apply the filter for users who aren’t part of your organization, hide them. Depending on the number of users, filtering could take around a minute.
To hide filtered users:
- Click Select all pages next to the Actions dropdown menu. This selects all users on all pages.
- Click the Actions dropdown menu.
- Click hide selected users.
- Click Hide users now in the resulting modal to verify you want to hide the filtered users.
How do I hide users with my organization's email domain?
You may have users that are no longer part of your organization but still have the company email domain. In rare cases, you may want to hide these users. To make this filter work, you must remove these users from any teams they're on before searching for them.
Note: Hiding users who have legitimately been part of your organization will change your teams' historical metrics. In most cases, we recommend not hiding these users or removing them from teams if you want your historical metrics to remain consistent.
To filter for these users:
- Navigate to the Users filter.
- Select Users on teams, is, and false in the dropdown menu. This filters for all users not on teams.
- Click Add filter and select and in the dropdown menu. This applies an additional filter to the search.
- Select Has login, is, and false in the new filter. This excludes all users with logins.
- Click Add filter and select and in the dropdown menu.
- Select Last activity at and is before from the dropdown menu and select a cutoff date from the date selector in the new filter. This filters for all users who’s most recent activity is before the date you selected.
- Click Apply filter
For this filter, make sure all users who are part of your organization are on a team, even if they don't contribute code. We recommend only hiding users without activity for 12 months so annual reports will still include these users’ contributions.
Once you've filtered for users who are no longer part of your organization but still have the company email domain, you are ready to hide them.
To hide these users:
- Click Select all pages.
- Click the Actions dropdown menu.
- Click Hide selected users.
- Click Hide users now in the resulting modal to verify you want to hide the users.
How do I view hidden users?
To view hidden users:
- Navigate to the Users page in settings.
- Click Hidden users to navigate to the Hidden users page.
How do I unhide users?
To unhide users:
- Select the users you want to unhide.
- Click Unhide.
- Use the resulting modal to toggle whether you want to Include the selected users in metrics and whether you want to re-enable sign-ins for users whose access to Flow is disabled.
- Click Show users now in the modal to verify you want to hide the users.
Note: Hiding a user who is on a team removes the user from that team. If you unhide a user, manually add the user back to their teams. Learn more about how to create teams.
Unhidden users' metrics will appear once Flow reprocesses their data as needed.
How do I re-enable a user’s login?
Hiding a user removes that user’s access to Flow. If you accidentally disable a user’s login, unhide the user from the Hidden users page to re-enable their login.
To re-enable access for a hidden user:
- Navigate to the Hidden users page.
- Select the user whose access you want to enable.
- Click Unhide.
- Toggle on Re-enable sign-in option in the resulting modal.
- Click Show users now in the modal to re-enable the selected user’s access.
Note: When unhiding multiple users at once, you may want to re-enable the login for only some of those users. To control which users log-ins are re-enabled, either unhide users separately or toggle off Re-enable sign-in in the Unhide users modal.
If you choose not to re-enable sign-ins through the modal, click a user’s name to navigate to their details page and click Enable Flow access.