To access Flow, users must be invited and accept invitations. Follow the steps below to send, modify, and accept invites to join Flow.
You need the Manage users and teams permission to invite other users to Flow.
To learn more about user roles, permissions, and viewing rights, see setting up roles for user permissions.
Joining Flow
After receiving the Flow invite email, click Accept Invitation.
If you already have a Pluralsight account and it’s associated with a Pluralsight Skills team plan, sign in with your existing credentials.
If you already have a free Pluralsight account or individual Skills subscription, you must update the email address on your existing Pluralsight account to a different primary email address, ideally a personal email address. Then return to your invite link to create an account using the same email address the invite was sent to.
If you’ve never had a Pluralsight account or have an account using a different primary email address, enter your information in the text fields under Create your account. Check the box to agree to the Terms of use and Privacy policy.
Click Create my account to finish creating your account.
Inviting users
To invite users to Flow:
Click Settings in the top navigation.
In the left navigation under User Management, click Users.
Click Invite users in the top right corner of the Users page.
Enter the email addresses of all users you want to invite.
Choose the Roles, Report access, Management access, and API access for the users.
If advanced view rights are enabled on your Flow plan, choose the users’ advanced view rights.
Click Send invite. Once the invitee accepts the invitation, they can log in to your organization's Flow account.
Tip: If you want to invite multiple people at once, try using the org_invites
endpoint of the Flow API to do it in bulk.
Resending and deleting invitations
Resend a pending invitation from the Users page or the details page for the affected user.
To resend an invitation from the Users page, either:
Click the checkbox to the left of any user(s) you want to resend an invite to, then click Resend pending invitation from the Actions dropdown menu.
Click the three dots menu to the right of a user you want to resend an invite to. Click Resend pending invitation.
Click the user you want to resend an invite to. On the user details page, click Resend invite.
Note: You can only resend invites to users who have Invited listed in the Has login column on the Users page.
To delete an invitation from the Users page, either:
Click the checkbox to the left of any user(s) you want to delete invitations for. Click Remove selected users from the Actions dropdown menu.
Click the three dots menu to the right of a user you want to delete an invite for. Click Remove user.
Click the user you want to delete an invite for. On the user details page, click Cancel invite.
Note: You can only delete an invitation from the user details page until a user accepts the invite. Once the invite is accepted and the Has login column on the Users page no longer says Invited, you need to Disable Flow access for the user.
Disabling a user's account
If you no longer want a user to be able to access Flow, you must disable their Flow access.
If they have any ticket, commit, or PR data associated with them, this does not remove or hide that data from Flow. To remove or hide data associated with a user, learn more about hiding and excluding users.
To disable access to Flow from the Users page:
Click the user you want to disable access for.
On the user detail page, click Disable Flow access.