The Sprint movement report helps improve your team’s efficiency by showing you how much work your team is doing during sprints and how well they're meeting their commitments. Sprint movement provides a visual analysis of your team’s completion and scope added percentages over the course of one or more sprints.
Use the Sprint movement report to track how well your team accomplishes goals they’ve set and help them stay focused.
Selecting sprints
Sprint movement tracks up to six sprints from your ticket vendor to use for your report. Only completed sprints appear in Sprint movement. Sprints currently in progress don't appear in Sprint movement.
Use the report filters to choose which team and sprints you want to see:
- Select your team using the team filter.
- Toggle whether to include or exclude nested teams from the report.
- Select between one and six sprints using the sprint search filter.
Tip: See more sprints in the selector than you expect? Sprints are available to select if any member of the selected team has been an assignee on any of the tickets in the sprint. This includes tickets where they used to be the assignee but aren't anymore.
To manage the number of sprints in the selector, make sure you choose your team first to eliminate sprints they have not been assigned to tickets in.
Tickets are shown for a selected sprint in Sprint movement if they are part of the sprint and a member of the selected team was assigned to the ticket at any point after it moved into an Active status, including after the sprint ended.
Reading scope analysis
Sprint movement’s scope analysis tool provides a detailed review of your team’s efficiency during your sprints, using scope completion and scope analysis percentages.
Note: Sort the information in Sprint movement by either tickets or story points. To switch your view, use the toggle at the top right of the scope analysis section.
The scope analysis section includes a bar chart of the number of tickets or story points from each category, represented from left to right:
- The green bar on the left of each sprint represents the total number of tickets or story points completed.
- The blue bar in the center of each sprint represents the total number of tickets or story points completed that were committed to at the beginning of the sprint.
- The purple bar on the right of each sprint represents the total number of completed tickets or story points that were added to the sprint after it started.
- Each bar is compared to a gray bar. The gray bar represents the total number of tickets in that category.
Hover over a sprint to see more information.
Above these bar charts, see a scope percentage graph. The blue section on the bottom of the graph represents the percentage of work originally committed. The purple represents the percentage of work added after a sprint started.
The green line represents the total number of completed tickets. It shows you how you’re tracking against your commitment.
- Above commitment: If the green line is above the blue section, you completed more than the amount of work you planned for.
- Met commitment: If the green line is right on the line between the blue and purple sections, you completed exactly the amount of work you planned.
- Below commitment: If the green line is below the blue section, you were not able to complete the work you planned.
To see more information for a particular sprint, click the sprint in the graph. On the right side of the scope analysis section, see a numerical breakdown of the completion percentage, scope added percentage, and ticket completion numbers for that sprint.
Tip: If you want to see more about what happened during that sprint, click View Retrospective to see that sprint in the Retrospective report.
Use this information to gauge how your team is performing against its commitments and whether you need to rebalance your work.
Conversation starters
If you’re looking for ways to drive insights and conversations from the data in Sprint movement, use the Conversation starters section at the top of Sprint movement.
This section uses the data from your sprints to provide you with prompts to start conversations about what happened during the sprint and what future sprints might look like. Flow also displays articles and other resources to help aid your understanding of your sprint behavior.
Click on different sprints in the Scope analysis chart to receive different prompts based on the outcomes from a particular sprint.
Completion percentage
Flow calculates completion percentage by dividing the number of completed tickets or story points by the total number of tickets or story points in the sprint when it finished.
A ticket is considered completed if it ends the sprint in a Done status.
Note: Completion percentage includes both committed work and work that was added to the sprint after it started.
Use completion percentage to see how much of their work your team completed during the sprint. Keep an eye on the completion percentage to make sure your teams are setting challenging, but realistic goals.
Scope added percentage
A ticket is considered added work if it was added to the sprint after it began or after 24 hours after the sprint started, if the sprint grace period is enabled in ticket project configurations.
Flow calculates the scope added percentage by dividing the total number of tickets or story points added after the sprint began by the total number of tickets or story points in the sprint.
Note: The total number of tickets or story points is calculated at the end of the sprint. It includes all added tickets or story points.
Use the scope added percentage to keep an eye on how often your teams have unplanned work in their sprints. Having some change in tickets after a sprint starts is normal. Too much change means your teams aren’t able to plan their work reliably. If that happens, you should take a look at how you might help teams better plan for their sprints.
Viewing ticket details
Click a sprint in the Scope analysis section to get a more detailed view of the work that went into that sprint.
This opens a list of tickets below the Scope analysis section. These tickets are from the sprint you selected.
This list of tickets shows the metrics related to the ticket, including the sprint outcome. If the circle in the sprint outcome column is filled in, that ticket was completed during the sprint. If the circle is open, the ticket was not completed during the sprint. Click on the ticket ID to view the ticket in your vendor.
Note: The Sprint Outcome column represents whether or not the ticket ended the sprint in a Done status. To see what the current status is, use the current status column.
To filter your tickets more, use the Scope type and Scope completion filters.
The Scope type filter lets you choose whether you view tickets you committed to at the beginning of the sprint, tickets that were added after the sprint started, or both. The Scope completion filter lets you see tickets that were completed, tickets that remained uncompleted at the end of the sprint, or both.