When creating new team structures or making significant modifications to existing team structures, consider bulk importing your teams through a CSV upload. To edit teams directly in Flow, learn more about Team management and Team details.
Note: Use either the Flow REST API or the Teams page to bulk upload or update team structures.
Preparing to bulk import teams
Before bulk importing users, create a CSV file with the following columns:
- Name
- Team name
- Parent team name, if applicable
- Membership visibility: Yes, No, or Inherit
- Membership type: Viewer or Contributor
If you already have teams and users in Flow, simplify this process by downloading your existing team and user structure from the Teams page, then using this as a template for your changes. This ensures your CSV file has the correct columns and setup, and gives you a reference for how your users are already structured.
Important: When adding a new user or team, if membership visibility is left blank, we will default to Inherit. For an existing user or team, if membership visibility is left blank, we will not update this field from its previous value. Make sure all team names are unique.
Example CSV file:
Name,Email,TeamName,ParentTeamName,Membership Visibility,Membership Type
Bulk importing teams via the API
To bulk import teams using the Team mebership API:
- Create an API key. To learn more about creating an API key, see Flow REST API introduction.
- Make a
request using the following URL:-
- Choose the CSV file you created.
- Specify the
as eitheroverwrite
. - Set any additional parameters for your upload. Find these additional parameters below.
- Click Send.
Additional parameters for overwrite:
Additional parameters for update
Additional parameter details:
Name | Type | Description |
csv_file | file |
Required, CSV file of teams, team memberships |
import_type |
string |
Required, overwrite or update |
add_new_apex_users |
boolean |
True/false |
remove_memberships |
boolean |
True/false (only with overwrite) |
remove_empty_teams |
boolean |
True/false (only with overwrite) |
remove_teams | boolean |
True/false (only with overwrite) |
To verify if your CSV import was successful, find a record of your upload on the team import history page.
Bulk importing teams via the Teams page
Note: If you're importing multi-tiered nested teams see the Bulk importing multi-tiered nested teams section below.
To bulk-import teams via the Teams page:
- Click Settings in the top navigation in Flow.
- Click Teams in the left navigation under User Management.
- Click Import teams to go to the team import history page.
- Click the CSV button in the top right.
Note: To import your teams from GitHub or ADO services, use the Integration import option.
- Click the Choose File button and select your CSV file.
- Click the Next button once you've chosen your CSV file.
- Select the circle for Update or Overwrite.
- Update means that Flow will add any new teams and team members in your file but not remove or edit any teams not explicitly included in the file.
- Overwrite means the teams you had set up in Flow will be replaced with the ones you created within the CSV file. For the overwrite option, you can fine-tune what you want to keep and what you want to officially overwrite.
Note: Selecting Update or Overwrite will display different checkbox options on the right side of the modal. You may check whichever options you wish to include.
- Update means that Flow will add any new teams and team members in your file but not remove or edit any teams not explicitly included in the file.
- Click Next once you finish selecting any additional options.
- Double-check the settings you selected.
- Click Yes, Import to confirm the import if your settings are correct. This starts the import and takes you to the Team import history page.
- Check the status of your recent import.
- If the import is still processing, the status will be Queued.
- If there were no errors in the CSV and the import was successful, a success message appears in the status column.
- If there are errors in the import, an error message appears in the status column.
If there are errors in the import, Flow creates an updated CSV file including any errors during the import process. Click the download button next to your specific import to download a copy of the updated CSV file.
Rectify the errors and reupload the CSV file to complete the upload.
Bulk importing multi-tiered nested teams
When importing teams that include multiple nested team levels, use the ParentTeamName column to associate the nested team to the most immediate parent team.
Tip: If one or multiple parent teams has nested users but no native users, you may need to add a fake user to the empty team in order to recreate the hierarchy.
Alternatively, manually create any empty team once you’ve imported your file, then nest the nested teams. Learn more about nesting teams.
Example Team Structure:
- King of the Castle: 0 users, 10 nested users
- Front End: 0 users, 10 nested users
- FE A: 2 users, 0 nested users
- FE B: 1 users, 2 nested users
- FE B1: 2 users, 0 nested users
In the above team structure, the top two team levels, King of the Castle and Front End, do not have any native users.
In this case, Flow creates the Front End team because of its immediate association to its nested teams, FE A and FE B. The main parent team, King of the Castle, must be added manually.
Alternatively, a user must be added to either the King of the Castle or to the Front End team.
The image below shows what the file looks like without adding an additional user, fake or otherwise:
To create the top-level team, add the team to the file:
- Line 7 adds a user directly to the top parent team.
- Line 8 adds a user directly to the Front End team, thereby associating Front End to the parent team.
Once you have your team structure mapped out in your file, follow the steps in the previous sections to upload and import it.