Flow offers several filters to help you find what you need quickly and easily. These filters are located at the top of all Flow reports.
Note: Flow uses your last selected filters when logging in or navigating to other reports.
In this article
Filter reports by user or team
Use the Team and User filters to find the team, nested team, or user you want to view.
Note: Your view rights determine your ability to filter teams and users. For example, if your view rights limit you to viewing only your data, then you can't search for other users. Read more about view rights.
Team filter
Use the Team filter's tabs and search feature to find specific teams.
Filter teams by Recent, My teams, All teams, or System.
The Recent tab shows the last ten teams you filtered for, listed alphabetically. This tab is useful for users who are not on teams, but have a set of teams they review often.
The My teams tab shows the teams you are on.
The All teams tab shows all of the teams you have permission to view.
The System tab shows all system teams. Learn more about system-created teams.
Users filter
Use the User filter's tabs and search feature to find specific users.
Filter users by Recent, My teams’ users, or All users.
The Recent tab shows the most recent users selected with this filter. This tab is useful for users who are not on teams, but have a set of users they view regularly.
The My teams tab shows all the users on your teams.
The All teams tab shows all users within your organization you have permission to see.
Default settings for Team and User filters
These are the default settings for the user and team filters:
- If a user isn't on a team or doesn't have access to view teams, the filter defaults to that individual user’s metrics.
- If a user is on a team, the filter defaults to the first team that user is on.
Nested teams and reports
A nested team in Flow is any team that has one or more child teams nested under a parent team. If you haven't created teams, learn more about creating teams.
Use a nested team structure to reflect your company's hierarchy and to manage teams more effectively.
In any report, you can view the parent team including or excluding users in child teams. Alternatively, you can view the parent team and or child team separately.
Filter by parent team
Select a parent team in the Team filter.
Exclude or include the users from a child team by using the nested teams filter:
- Excluded only shows you users that are on the parent team.
- Included shows you all users across the parent team and any child team.
Filter by child team
Select a child team from the Team filter.
If there are additionally nested teams under your selected child team, use the Nested teams filter to include or exclude those teams.