Use group programming settings to customize how work authored by multiple people is credited and visualized in Flow.
You need the Manage Configurations permission to turn on group programming.
Enabling group programming
To find and enable group programming:
- Click Settings in the top navigation.
- In the left navigation, click Configurations located under Report settings.
- Click the Group programming tab on the Configurations page.
- Toggle the Enable toggle On.
- In the text box under Labeling, enter the label you want Flow to apply to group programming commits. This determines how group-programmed commits will be named in Flow reports.
Note: Flow only applies group programming setting changes to new incoming data. It doesn't reprocess old data automatically, so it’s best to enable group programming before importing your repos.
If you import a repo before enabling group programming, the previously imported data won’t have the new settings applied.
Assigning work to others
Use the toggles in the Assigning work to others section to set how Flow identifies when a commit is authored by a group.
Toggle on Using Co-Authored-By in the commit message so your git host can mark commits with multiple authors:
- This convention is used by git hosts to mark commits with more than one author. For an example, learn more about creating a commit with multiple authors (external site, opens in new tab) in GitHub.
- For group commits authored solely on the commit message, you must include Co-Authored-By with an email address or a username with an email address.
Note: If you include a comment in addition to listing the co-authors in the commit message, make sure each co-author is on a new line.
Toggle on Using multiple names in the and fields so you can manually mark commits with multiple authors if you're unable to use the Co-Authored-By convention:
- This toggle is useful for commits with and fields similar to:
- Jen Smith & Robert Aspens,
- Jen Smith & Robert Aspens
- Jen Smith & Robert Aspens
When the Using multiple names in the and fields is toggled On, the Prefixes, E-mail delimiters, and Name delimiters text boxes are active and editable on this page.
Enter any prefixes or delimiters you want Flow to check for. Flow labels any commit containing these values in
as group work.
- Click the Add another button to enter additional values.
- Click the X button to remove a value.
For example, a commit’s field contains Jen Smith & Robert Aspens
. The commits field contains,
In this example, Flow labels the commit as group work when a text box under Email delimiters contains ,
or a text box under Name delimiters contains &
Learn more about Manually marking a commit as a group commit.
Allocating credit for group work
Configure how Flow assigns credit for group work. You can split the work between contributors or give each contributor full credit.
Choose whether credit is split evenly or each contributor gets full credit for these metrics:
- Coding days
- Commits per day
- Impact
- HALOC metrics
Click Save Changes once you’re done adjusting your group programming settings.
Viewing group programmed commits in reports
Once you’ve enabled group programming, Flow shows co-authored commits as squares in Work log when the Group filter is enabled.
Click a group commit to see more details.
If Flow missed a commit or added too many authors, update the commits manually.
Learn more about manually marking a group commit.