Unreviewed PRs is the percentage of merged pull requests with no comments or approvals, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent.
Which reports use Unreviewed PRs?
You can see Unreviewed PRs in reports like Team health insights, Review collaboration, and Check-in.
What does Unreviewed PRs measure?
Unreviewed PRs tells you what percentage of your PRs don’t get reviewed.
In an ideal world, PRs aren’t merged without being reviewed. Even if they’re small or made by senior developers, unreviewed PRs can be a huge source of bugs for you.
If you don’t have a policy in place to make sure PRs get reviewed, a manager should know every time a PR is merged without review.
You should drive this number toward zero and be aware of the rare instance when a developer feels the need to drive code straight from their laptop to production without getting it reviewed.
How is Unreviewed PRs calculated?
Unreviewed PRs is represented as a percentage.
Unreviewed PRs is calculated as the number of merged pull requests with neither a reviewer comment nor an approval, divided by the total number of merged PRs. It's rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent.
This calculation is the same whether calculating Unreviewed PRs for an individual, a team, or an organization
What data is included in Unreviewed PRs?
A pull request is counted toward Unreviewed PRs as long as it's merged. It doesn't matter whether it’s merged from one feature branch to another or merged into the main branch.
Pull requests are not counted toward Unreviewed PRs if they're:
created by a user who's excluded from reports
created by a hidden user
an excluded pull request
from a deleted repository
Comments and approvals are not counted toward a review of a PR if:
they're excluded
the user making the comment or approval is excluded from metrics
the user making the comment or approval is a hidden user
the approval is not a comment type in the vendor system
Note: If a comment or approval is made after the PR is merged, that PR is considered a reviewed PR. User view rights and permissions also impact how specific users see Time to merge.