If you have an individual A Cloud Guru (ACG) membership or are a member of an ACG business plan, you can use the app-switcher to help you navigate smoothly between Pluralsight Skills and ACG so you can quickly access the content included in your plan, wherever it's based. If your organization has given you access to Pluralsight Flow, you can access it from this menu as well.
Note: If you’re a Skills-only user, you can’t access ACG from the app-switcher. This is because all content available on your plan—including ACG content, if applicable—is on the Skills platform. See Skills content availability for details.
Using the app-switcher
From ACG
When you log into ACG, click the grid icon in the top navigation bar to see a list of platforms you can visit. This is the app-switcher. You can access it from any page in the platform.
If you click Skills in the app-switcher, you’ll see a redirect notification alerting you that you’re about to leave A Cloud Guru. Click Continue to Skills in the notification to continue to Skills.
From Skills
When you log into Skills, click the left-hand dropdown to see a list of platforms you can visit. This is the app-switcher. You can access it from any page in the platform.