Subscriptions sold on A Cloud Guru may be subject to applicable transaction taxes such as VAT (Value Added Tax), GST (Goods & Services Tax), or other types of sales tax.
The rate applied to your order will be based on the local, state and country jurisdiction of your billing address. It may also be based on other factors such as whether it is for business or consumer use.
Common questions
Who pays the tax?
The customer purchasing the subscription will pay the applicable transaction tax based on various factors, including account details and billing address provided. A Cloud Guru will remit the tax collected to the appropriate jurisdiction.
If you do business in a country with a VAT, check out our article on Updating your VAT number.
Can I preview how much tax will be charged?
When you check out, the system displays an estimated tax based on the address provided. After the charge is processed, an email is sent to the billing address with a receipt listing the amount of tax charged.
When will the tax be charged?
The tax will be applied to the initial subscription billing after the trial period, as well as to any renewals and upgrades. If you’ve already used the free trial on your account, you’ll be charged automatically at checkout.
Where can I find the total tax charged?
An email with the receipt will be sent to the email you provided at checkout. The tax amount charged is listed on this receipt. You can also find your receipts by visiting your Account Settings (opens in new tab).
If you have issues locating the receipt, please contact our Support team and we'll be happy to help.