With a free Skills or ACG account, you have access to free learning content and some features.
Note: If you leave a team plan on Skills or ACG, you may lose access to your account. See Leaving a team plan to learn more.
In this article
Free Skills content
Anyone with a Pluralsight or A Cloud Guru account has access to Skill IQ, Role IQ, and a selection of always-free Skills courses. In addition, some courses contain course overview clips that you can view with a free account.
Note: Free accounts don't include access to labs or the Hands-on playground.
If you used to have a Pluralsight Skills individual subscription or accessed Skills through a limited library benefit, you can still access your Pluralsight account after your subscription or benefit has ended. Your course history and profile will remain intact when your individual subscription is canceled or expires.
Tip: If you've forgotten your password, request a password reset.
If you started watching a course while you had a paid individual subscription and your subscription then ended, you won't be able to finish that course with a free account. To finish in-progress courses or view more courses than those included with your free Pluralsight account, you must have a subscription.
There's more you can access with a free trial of Skills—see Free trial for individuals to learn more. To purchase a subscription, check out our pricing page (opens in new tab). Be sure to join our email list (opens in new tab) to be first to know about future Skills offers and promotions.
Free ACG content
With a free ACG account, you automatically have access to a selection of always-free Cloud courses (opens in new tab) on ACG, as well as the ACG web series (opens in new tab).
Note: Free accounts don't include access to Hands-on labs or the Hands-on playground.
See Signing up for a free trial of ACG to learn what content and features you can try for free. To purchase a membership, check out the pricing page (opens in new tab).
Note: We’re combining Skills and ACG’s content libraries and republishing your favorite cloud courses in our multi-modal course player. While this is in progress, the ACG free course library is unavailable for Skills-only users. In the meantime, if you have a paid Skills account, check out the ACG certification courses included with your subscription or license.