ACG-owned domains use essential cookies that are required for actions such as securely logging in or making a purchase. These cookies are stored in your browser and fall under our Privacy notice (opens in new tab).
ACG also uses cookies for functionality, analytics, and advertising. Depending on your region, you can accept or reject these cookies the first time you visit each ACG domain. For more details and information on how personal data on your ACG account is protected, see our Privacy notice (opens in new tab).
Common questions
After rejecting cookies, I’m experiencing issues with login, checkout, or playing embedded videos. What should I do?
Essential cookies must be enabled on your browser in order to perform tasks such as securely logging in, completing a purchase, or playing embedded videos on ACG domains. However, if you rejected some or all non-essential cookies on a ACG domain and are unable to perform one of these essential functions, try these steps:
- Open the page in a private browser window.
- Try the action again.
If this resolves the issue, there is likely a problem with the cookies you’ve rejected.
Blocking third-party cookies may interfere with your ability to login to ACG. If you are experiencing a profile loading error, you will need to accept third-party cookies on your browser. For browsers that allow accepting specific website or domain cookies, use as the domain name. Find more information about specific browsers below:
How can I update or modify my cookie settings on an ACG domain?
To change your cookie settings on an ACG website, you must clear that site’s cookies and set your preferences again. Instructions for clearing cookies vary based on your browser type.
- Chrome (external site, opens in new tab)
- Firefox (external site, opens in new tab)
- Safari (external site, opens in new tab)
After clearing cookies, you’ll see the option to set your preferences the next time you load the website on that browser, depending on your region.
Important: Clearing all cookies will log you out of other websites you’ve visited using that browser.
What happens to my cookie preferences if I change locations or use a VPN?
Preferences you’ve already set will not change if you change locations, including with a VPN. However, if you haven’t set your preferences, you’ll have the opportunity to do so depending on your new location’s data privacy regulations.
My browser is synced across my devices. Does that mean my cookie preferences are too?
No—cookie preferences are specific to one browser on one device. This means that cookie preferences are not shared between different browsers on the same device, or on different devices with the same browser. Even if some of your browser information—such as bookmarks and login credentials—are synced across your devices, cookies are not.
How long do my cookie preferences last?
Unless your browser settings dictate otherwise, your cookie preferences last indefinitely.