Explore all the recent updates to Pluralsight Skills.
Learner releases
Hands-on cloud labs for Skills
In order to offer customers our freshest hands-on cloud learning experiences, we’re retiring Skills cloud labs in favor of ACG’s current and comprehensive cloud labs. Skills learners with the labs add-on were provided access to a select number of ACG’s cloud labs at no additional cost in December 2023.
If a Skills cloud lab is scheduled for retirement, you’ll see a banner on the lab details page with a link to a comparable ACG lab if one exists. See Hands-on cloud labs for Skills for details on how to access and replace this content in your channels before removal.
Apps and offline viewing
Multimodal courses on mobile apps
Multimodal courses are now available in Pluralsight’s mobile apps. Learners with access to Cloud courses can now view video clips in multimodal courses in the mobile app. Learning checks and labs are still only available in the web app. This feature is not yet available in Pluralsight desktop apps.