Note: To ensure the best experience for our customers, Pluralsight is implementing a phased rollout of the integration of the Skills and A Cloud Guru platforms. Customers will get access to the features in this article at different times, so if they’re not yet available on your plan, don’t worry—great things may be coming your way.
Questions about what this means for your plan? Reach out to your Pluralsight contact.
In this article
If you aren’t a paid ACG user, you’ll no longer see A Cloud Guru as an option in the app-switcher. That’s because all content available on your plan—including ACG content, if applicable—is in one place on the Skills platform.
If you’re a paid user on both Skills and ACG, or you’re an ACG-only user, you can continue to use the app-switcher to toggle between both platforms.
If you have access to Pluralsight Flow, you’ll continue to use the app-switcher to toggle between the Skills and Flow platforms.
Learn more about the app-switcher.
ACG activity in Skills analytics
In organizations with a team plan on Skills and a business plan on ACG, leaders can now view ACG learning activity in Skills Content analytics and Users & Usage analytics. Use this data to gauge engagement with cloud content and to see what hands-on content is most popular with your users.
Note: This data only appears in Skills for learners on your plan who are licensed on both Skills and ACG (dual learners). Data is only available for the amount of time a dual learner has been on the Skills plan, meaning any ACG learning activity from before they joined the Skills plan isn’t included in this data.
You can find data for ACG-only learners in ACG’s reporting tools—for now. These will be combined into one analytics experience later in the integration.
Not sure where to start? Click Analytics in the Leader navigation menu, and check out First steps with analytics to see how you can leverage this data in Skills.
Content analytics
Dual learners’ engagement with ACG content, including hands-on labs and sandboxes, contribute to analytics shown on the Content dashboard. In the Content table, ACG hands-on content appears with Cloud playground as the content type.
Users & Usage analytics
Dual learners’ ACG learning activity will contribute to analytics shown on the All-users dashboard. On the User detail dashboard, you’ll see content cards for ACG hands-on activity.
Skills cloud labs retirement
We’re retiring Skills cloud labs in favor of ACG’s more current and comprehensive cloud labs to offer you our freshest hands-on cloud learning experiences. Skills learners with the labs add-on have already been provided access to a select number of ACG’s cloud labs at no additional cost.
If a cloud lab is scheduled for retirement, you’ll see a banner on the lab details page with a link to a comparable ACG lab if one exists.
See Hands-on cloud labs for Skills for details on how to access and replace this content in your channels before removal.
ACG course access
As we combine Skills and ACG’s libraries, the ~50 courses in the ACG free library will be unavailable to users with only a Skills subscription or license. These courses will be added to the Skills library or retired in favor of other cloud content. In the meantime, paid Skills users can continue to enjoy a select number of ACG’s certification courses free of charge.
Learn more about how the integration impacts content availability on Skills.