Explore all the recent updates to Pluralsight Skills.
Skills and ACG integration
Integration releases
We’ve released the next phase of updates to integrate the Pluralsight Skills and A Cloud Guru platforms. See Integration release notes to learn what’s changed and visit the Integration hub for all things related to the Skills and ACG integration.
Hands-on cloud labs for Skills
Learners on plans with access to labs can now access a subset of ACG’s hands-on labs at no additional cost, and Skills cloud labs have been retired. Skills cloud labs will be fully removed from the Skills platform on August 26, 2024.
See Hands-on cloud labs for Skills for details on how to access and replace this content in your channels before removal.
Skills platform releases
Online checkout
If you’re located in a country in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) zone, you can now pay for an individual subscription or team plan online with SEPA transfer as your payment method. See Changing your payment method for instructions.
Leader releases
Leader nav update
Skill IQ is now available in the Leader view of the navigation menu.
Learner releases
Add to channels in Iris
Users can now add content surfaced during Iris conversations directly into a new or existing channel while remaining in Iris. When Iris returns a list of Skills content, you’ll see an Add to channel button. Clicking this button will let you choose to add some or all of the content to a channel of your choosing. This release is available to all Skills customers with a subscription with access to Iris. See Iris: the Skills AI assistant for more information.
Apps and offline viewing releases
Skill IQ in mobile apps
Learners using the Android and iOS Skills apps can now take Skill IQ assessments while staying in the app. This update incorporates an embedded web experience, allowing you to access your Skill IQ information within the app. You can see previous Skill IQ scores, see assessments you’ve saved in channels, or find new assessments to take in Paths and Browse.