Explore all the recent updates to Pluralsight Skills.
Skills leader releases
Tech Foundations customization
Tech Foundations can now be customized to fit your organization’s needs. Reorder, show, and hide topics to let your learners focus on topics most important to your organization's goals. This release also introduces four new topics to the Tech Foundations topic library: data visualization, quantum computing, sustainability, and data analytics. See Tech Foundations customization for more information.
Online checkout
We’ve increased the number of licenses you can include when purchasing a new team plan online. If you’re paying in USD or EUR, you can include up to 250 learner licenses on your plan when purchasing or starting a team trial of Starter or Professional from our pricing page (opens in new tab).
If you already have a team plan, you can expand your team up to 1,000 total licenses. See Adding licenses to a plan for instructions. If you need more than 1,000 licenses for your team, reach out to Pluralsight Sales (opens email form).
Note: Customers paying with INR or ZAR currencies or SEPA transfers are subject to lower license limits.
Update to Leader navigation menu
Bookmarks and Account settings are now available in the Leader profile menu, creating a consistent experience across the leader and learner roles.
Skills learner releases
Code labs
If you get stuck while working in a code lab, you can now easily access the correct answer to a task check from the solution file to get back on track.
After multiple failed attempts validating a task check, you’ll see the option to show the Task Solution.
This feature is available to new code labs being published on Skills and will be made available to existing code labs over time. Learn more about Code labs.
Apps and offline viewing releases
Captions in more languages
More languages are now available for captions for Skills video content in the iOS, macOS, and Android apps. To select your default caption language, tap the Settings gear, then tap Default caption language. Turn captions on or off while watching a video by tapping CC. Find the apps on Pluralsight’s downloads page (opens in new tab).