Note: To ensure the best experience for our customers, Pluralsight is implementing a phased rollout of the integration of the Skills and A Cloud Guru platforms. Customers will get access to the features in this article at different times, so if they’re not yet available on your plan, don’t worry—great things may be coming your way.
Questions about what this means for your plan? Reach out to your Pluralsight contact.
New sign-in experience
The sign-in page for Pluralsight and A Cloud Guru customers has a new look. When you go to the Skills (opens in new tab) or ACG (opens in new tab) sign-in page, use your existing Pluralsight or ACG credentials to sign in.
See Signing in to Pluralsight or ACG for assistance with sign-in and answers to common questions.
Skills cloud labs removal
Skills cloud labs were removed from the Skills library on August 26, 2024. In order to continue offering you our freshest hands-on cloud learning experiences, Skills plans with access to labs can also access a subset of ACG’s Hands-on labs library at no additional cost.
See Hands-on labs for more about learning with ACG's cloud labs.
ACG Hands-on cloud labs in Skills
The Hands-on labs experience has been rebuilt in Skills. Previously, Skills learners with access to labs were redirected to
in order to complete ACG’s Hands-on labs. Now, they’ll remain in Skills (
) when taking these labs.
To open a lab, go to the Lab Credentials section of your lab tools and click the copy icon in the URL field. Then open a private browser window and paste the link in the URL bar.
See Hands-on labs for more about using Hands-on labs.
Note: For the time being, Skills learners will continue to be redirected to
to use the Hands-on playground. Stay tuned for updates in future Integration release notes.