Explore all the recent updates to Pluralsight Skills.
Skills and ACG integration
Integration releases
The next phase of updates to integrate Pluralsight Skills and A Cloud Guru has been released. See integration release notes to learn what’s changed about the sign-in page and Hands-on labs, and visit the Integration hub for all things related to the Skills and ACG integration.
Skills leader releases
Many of the CSV reports now include the user type field. This field helps you distinguish between learners with a Skills license, those with a free account, and those who have been removed from your plan.
Leader hub
Automated reports on the Past reports page of the Leader Hub are now available for 30 days from the date they’re generated. Miss the 30-day window to download a report? You can manually generate any report for any time period in the respective analytics pages.
Skills learner releases
Iris Modal overlay
Iris now offers modal overlay mode. This mode allows Iris to assist you as you explore the Skills platform. You can move and resize the modal overlay window to best suit your needs. Modal overlay for Iris won’t appear while you are using a lab, taking a Skill IQ assessment, or watching a course.
ACG learner releases
Hands-on labs
If a Hands-on lab is undergoing updates, you’ll see a maintenance banner on the lab details page with an option to receive an email once the lab is available again.
See Hands-on labs for details.