Revisit integrations and automations
If your plan doesn’t currently take advantage of single sign-on (SSO), ACG’s APIs, or LMS connections, skip to the next section. If you do have these set up on your plan, note the following tasks.
Note: If you’re interested in setting up any of these integrations and automations, wait until after your migration to reach out to our Professional Services team (opens in new tab).
If your plan currently uses single sign-on (SSO) to sign in, good news! You can continue to use your existing SSO integration once you’ve migrated, and you can continue to add new users to your Pluralsight plan via SSO.
- Bookmark Signing in to Pluralsight or ACG to share with your learners.
If you would like to continue using APIs, you’ll need to integrate with Pluralsight’s APIs when you migrate.
- Evaluate whether your organization has developed any custom integrations or automation solutions, and determine whether the organization needs them rebuilt.
- Evaluate if your organization would like to use one of the many Skills Connectors we have available.
Questions? Visit our API articles. If you need more assistance, our Professional Services team (opens in new tab) can assist you with the following:
- Navigating the request playground
- Providing a dive deep into the Developer portal
- Helping you pinpoint ideal endpoints
- Consulting with you (via consulting hours) by directing you to the what, and how, to pull what will meet your required needs.
Note: ProServ cannot build custom solutions developed by your organization, including the development of code to be executed within your environment.
LMS connections
If you currently have an LMS integration set up with ACG, you’ll need to set up a new integration with Pluralsight.
Note: If your ACG plan is merging with an existing Skills plan that already has a connector set up, no additional work is needed.
- Arrange any relevant resources in your organization that are required to facilitate your updated LMS experience.
Questions? Reach out to our Professional Services team (opens in new tab).