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Flow Enterprise Server
<p>Welcome to Pluralsight Flow. This suite of articles answers questions related to installing, maintaining, and administrating your version of Flow Enterprise Server.</p> <p>The latest version of Flow Enterprise Server is 2024.2.1. Learn more about <a href="/hc/en-us/articles/24279028263060">the future of Flow in the cloud</a>.</p> <p>Flow Enterprise Server includes the functionality of the Flow Cloud offering and can be installed inside your data center or private cloud.</p> <p>Flow Enterprise Server:</p> <ul> <li>Lets you install Flow into your data center or private cloud to protect it behind a firewall</li> <li>Never sends information about your source code or metrics outside your infrastructure</li> <li>Is completely self-contained</li> <li>Lets you integrate with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, BitBucket, BitBucket Server, and GitLab Cloud</li> </ul> <div class="alert alert-danger"> <p><strong>Important:</strong> First, carefully read the <a href="/hc/en-us/articles/27459705479060">system requirements article for 2024.2.1</a> before installing or updating Flow Enterprise Server.</p> </div> <p>Once you've successfully set up Flow, check out our <a href="/hc/en-us/articles/24353738631060">Flow Getting Started Guide</a> to configure Flow so it works for you. These articles walk you through importing data, managing users, and understanding metrics.</p>