Practice exams (opens in new tab) help you prepare for real cloud certification exams by simulating the experience with a similar style of questions, format, and timing. These exams reflect the vendor's blueprint, providing an accurate assessment of your strengths and identifying areas needing improvement. After completing a practice exam, you'll receive a report with recommendations to help boost your score.
If a course has a practice exam, you’ll find it next to the course outline. Click Open practice exam to take the exam.
Note: Only users with an active ACG license or subscription can access these exams.
If you didn't achieve the score you hoped for, you can retake the practice exam as often as needed. A Cloud Guru frequently updates the questions and adds new ones, ensuring you have the most current preparation tools at your fingertips.
Tip: Focus on the knowledge, understanding and insight that you can get by researching each question, rather than practicing and memorizing questions as a way to pass the exam.