Save historical data
Good news—the vast majority of your ACG data will migrate to Pluralsight! However, as a result of the integration, we are retiring study groups, accelerator programs, and custom learning paths. While individual progress in courses taken as part of a study group or learning path will remain captured as course data at the individual learner level, these experiences and leader reports will not be coming over to Pluralsight. Linux Academy course history will not be migrated.
If your organization hasn’t used these features, you don’t need to take any action. If you’re currently taking advantage of study groups or custom learning paths and you want to keep that data, complete the following tasks.
Important: Complete these tasks before your migration date to retain historical data of learner participation and activity.
Study groups
Export your learners' study group progress.
- Go to the Study Groups page (opens in new tab).
- Click Export CSV to download a CSV file to your machine. This file includes study group names, courses, and each learner’s progress within that group.
Tip: Click into a study group to export a CSV just for that one group.
Custom learning paths
Export your learners' path progress.
- Go to the Learning Paths page (opens in new tab).
- Click the Actions dropdown menu and click Export CSV to download a CSV file to your machine. This file includes level achieved, progress, and start date for each user who’s been assigned to a learning path.
Tip: Click into a learning path to export a CSV just for that one path.
Take inventory of your custom learning paths. If you’d like to preserve the sequence of content in your learning paths and recreate them as channels in Pluralsight with similar content:
- Go to the Learning Paths page (opens in new tab).
- Click the Actions dropdown menu and click Preview path. From here, you can take a screenshot of the path or take note of its contents.