Pluralsight analytics help you make sense of the numbers. By knowing what your learners are doing—or not doing—in the platform, you'll be able to identify strengths or gaps in learning. You can spot usage trends, favorite types of content, and popular skill assessments. Analytics help you prove the impact that Skills is having on your team. Analytics are updated in real-time, ensuring that you're seeing the most up-to-date information. You can use the Skills platform to view analytics, or download CSV reports for added reporting flexibility. <div class="alert alert-note"> <p> <strong>Note:</strong> To ensure the best experience for our customers, Pluralsight is implementing a phased rollout of the following update. Customers will get access to this update at different times, so if it’s not yet available on your plan, don’t worry—great things are coming your way. </p> <p> <strong>Video clip view time metrics throughout leader analytics:</strong> We’ve improved how we report view time for <strong>multimodal courses</strong>, which combine various learning activities like videos, labs, and assessments in one environment. All past and future video views from multimodal courses will be added to view time metrics within leader analytics, offering a more complete picture of video view time and matching metrics your learners see on their profile page. </p> <p> What does this mean for you? Some metrics, which previously only represented stand-alone video courses, will now reflect data from both stand-alone video courses and multimodal courses. </p> <p>Updated data fields include:</p> <div class="ps-col col-2 col-rule"> <ul> <li>% Engaged users</li> <li>Active days</li> <li>Average view time</li> <li>Average view time/user</li> <li>Content interactions</li> <li>Content name</li> <li>Content type</li> <li>Content viewed</li> <li>Courses</li> <li>Engaged users</li> <li>Engaged users assessed</li> <li>Engaged users reassessed</li> <li>Engaged users unassessed</li> <li>Interactions</li> <li>Last activity</li> <li>Overall usage</li> <li>Popular content among users</li> <li>Popular subjects</li> <li>Subjects</li> <li>Total view time</li> <li>Unique courses viewed</li> <li>Usage time</li> <li>Users active</li> <li>Video course view time</li> <li>View time by day</li> <li>View time/week</li> </ul> </div> </div>